Race & Racism from a White Guy’s Perspective

A few days ago I posted the video of an interview done with Bryan Stevenson, of Just Mercy fame, and Timothy Keller, discussing grace, race, and justice. As a follow up, I thought I’d post this message by Keller.

In this video Tim Keller tackles the tough subjects of Race and systemic racism.  While these terms can be loaded, I hope you will take the time to listen to the perspective that Keller lays out.

Racial Superiority is a Rejection of the Gospel

While opinions about the rise of racial tensions are many and varied, I find that I agree with these words from Al Mohler:

“Any concept of racial or ethnic superiority is a rejection of the gospel of Christ – the great good news of God’s saving purpose in the atonement accomplished by Christ. A claim of racial superiority denies our common humanity, our common sinfulness, our common salvation through faith in Christ, and God’s purpose to create a common new humanity in Christ.”